Optimize your energy performance


ULTIVISION: the 4.0 energy performance

The energy control of processes has revealed its increasing value for industries that want to reduce their energy bill and optimize the monitoring of their Energy Management System.

To meet these expectations and in the context of Industry 4.0, ULTIWATT has developed the solution ULTIVISION, based on its expertise and its broad experience in energy management.
ULTIVISION is a tailor-made software dedicated to energy efficiency that guarantees optimal Energy Management for all your industrial facilities.

An energy optimization software easy to handle:

ULTIWATT has demonstrated the usability of ULTIVISION, its digital platform.
ULTIVISION can easily be adapted to your process and integrating it will be quick and effortless.

The assets of the ULTIVISION solution

Asset 1: Real savings on your energy bills

By integrating the energy monitoring of your facilities in real-time, ULTIVISION enables you to reduce your energy bills. You will notice a significant drop, up to 15%.

Asset 2: Get a quick return on investment!

ULTIVISION enables you to save energy and time in your management. The return on investment is very quick and happens within a year! ULTIVISION may qualify for French Energy Saving Certificates (CEE, Certificates d’Economie d’Energie) according to the standard notice IND-UT-134 that integrates a measurement plan.

Asset 3: A continuous optimization of
your Energy Performance

ULTIVISION enables you to implement, monitor and manage all your Energy Performance Indicators. ULTIVISION will support your consumption forecast and gives you tips to optimize your Energy Performance.

Asset 4: A thorough monitoring of
your Management System

ULTIVISION enables you to involve all your team members in a joint energy-saving process. ULTIVISION structures your Energy Management System following the ISO 50001 standard.

ULTIVISION: A unique tool for the whole organisation

Energy concerns everyone, but we all have different needs based on our roles and functions. ULTIVISION is a unique, built-in tool supporting the contribution of everyone within the organisation.

ULTIVISION for the Operator

Operators must conduct their facilities in a way that guarantees safe high-quality production while protecting the environment. Today, ULTIVISION enables this conduct while saving energy in real-time. ULTIVISION is an essential help for the optimization of facilities’ Energy Performance.

ULTIVISION for the Energy Manager or Energy Representative

The Energy Manager or Energy Representative must know and follow the energy performance indicators and implement an action plan to optimize the Energy Performance. ULTIVISION brings this information in real-time and supports the collaborative implementation of the action plan.

ULTIVISION for the “Systems” Manager

During the implementation of an Energy Management System (EMS), it is essential to structure the approach based on the PDCA logic. The ULTIVISION platform supports the implementation of the EMS to meet all the demands of the ISO 50001 standard.

ULTIVISION for the Factory Management

ULTIVISION helps you build your energy strategy plan while taking into account your constraints and opportunities. Thus, thanks to a complete and detailed view of your production costs, you will be able to set ambitious but realistic objectives. Dynamic dashboards will give visibility for better management by the whole organisation.

What are the steps for implementing ULTIVISION?

Etude énergétique des installations ultiwatt

Studying your facilities

Before implementing, our team must collect all the process data of your company that are linked to energy monitoring. We shall also exchange with the main stakeholders. This study enables us to fully meet your expectations.

This first step allows us to validate ULTIVISION’s features that meet your needs.

Collecting data

Together, our experts and your team will set the communication mode that works best for automatically collecting data while ensuring confidentiality and security. ULTIVISION enables also a manual data entry.


Thanks to the modelling of energy parameters, our team will be able to do a mathematical and energy interpretation of your processes. Together we will be able to validate the modelling most suitable for your system.

User interface

We will meet to validate the chosen features and the different interfaces: specific and non-specific user interfaces.

Configuring ULTIVISION

During this step, our team will proceed to the specific configuration of your energy optimization software and proceed to consistency checks. Before commissioning, we will validate together all the dashboards.

Mise en service et déploiement ultiwatt

Commissioning and implementation

The overall usability of ULTIVISION enables you to quickly get started. As we will guide you through the implementation of the tool, commissioning starts as early as during the stage of validation.
Finally, together we will proceed to the implementation of ULTIVISION.

Can the software ULTIVISION
be customized?

ULTIVISION has been developed to fully address your needs. It can be fully customized and adjusted to perfectly meet your expectations.

You will thus be able to easily and independently create your dashboards.



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